Mary Hicks » Meet Mrs.Hicks

Meet Mrs.Hicks


A little about me....

COMING SOON! See you next year!


A few favorites:

Candy- Midnight Milkyway, Brookside Chocolate (any of the fruit flavors), or any dark chocolate

Snack- Pretzels, spicy peanuts

Scent- Clean, coconut, the smell of Fall or Christmas

Color-Yellow, aqua blue, green

Flower-Sunflowers and Lilies

Drink-Sweet Tea, Water, Big Red, COFFEE

Restaurant- Georges, Chick Fil A, Whataburger, Starbucks, Deja Brew, Free Birds, Texas Road House

Store: Hobby Lobby, Amazon, Target

Season: Fall or any of the "ber" months (September-December)

Holiday: Christmas followed very closely by Halloween