John Dirk » About Me

About Me

My name is John Dirk.  I have been a teacher and coach for 14 years.  I will be the dyslexia and academic support teacher.  I graduated from Stephenville High school in 2004. I went to University of Missouri to play football than transferred to Sam Houston State and graduated in 2008 with a degree in Kinesiology. In 2011 I earned my Masters in Curriculum and instruction from Sam Houston State.  I live in Oglesby with my wife and two dogs named Ruger and Dixie and our cat named Little G. In October of 2022 we welcomed our twins Jack and Eloisa. They will be turning 2 this year.  I enjoy be outdoors and working on our places with all of the animals. 
My Favorites
Color: Green
Hobby: hunting, fishing, being in the outdoors and working on my farm
Drink: Cranberry Limeade 
Snakes: Trail Mix
Subject to teach: Dyslexia and Academic support
Background image  John  Dirk`s profile picture
John Dirk
Special Education Teacher/Boys Athletics
Class Schedule 2024
1st- Principles of AG
2nd- 8th Grade Inclusion
3rd-  8th Grade Inclusion
4th-  Conference
5th- HS Athletics
6th-  Lunch
7th- IEP paper Distribution
8th- Dyslexia
9th-  MS Athletics
Contact information
Middle School Athletics Sportsyou code:
Principle of AG Code: